Excited to have found your blog. I am taking a Certificate course in Educational Tech and Informational Literacy and these are my first steps into this field. You are investigating a number of the same topics so it makes for great reading. Thanks for your posts.
Odd question but perhaps you can help- I too am using the Graphene theme but I can not seem to get the videos to be embedded in the same way as you have. I am doing the basics- copying the WordPress code under the share button from the TED videos. Pasting it under upload videos. I tried clicking on the standard and the video setting but with no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.
My first question is this: are you using a self-hosted blog, a WordPress.com blog, or a site like EduBlogs.org? To my knowledge, the [ted id] type links only work on WordPress.com hosted sites (although there might be a plugin that enables it for self-hosted blogs). I had horrible luck with EduBlogs.org, as their WordPress installation is insanely outdated and doesn’t allow embedding unless you pay for the premium membership.
So, my WordPress is self-hosted, and when I want to embed a TED video, I just copy the embed code next to “Embed this video,” and paste it into my post, whilst in HTML view. Embedding YouTube videos is even simpler–you just copy the YouTube link and paste it into the post, and it will automatically embed as appropriate, although you can still do it the manual embed way like the TED videos if you want more control over the embed.
2 responses to “Amazing use of table interface”
Excited to have found your blog. I am taking a Certificate course in Educational Tech and Informational Literacy and these are my first steps into this field. You are investigating a number of the same topics so it makes for great reading. Thanks for your posts.
Odd question but perhaps you can help- I too am using the Graphene theme but I can not seem to get the videos to be embedded in the same way as you have. I am doing the basics- copying the WordPress code under the share button from the TED videos. Pasting it under upload videos. I tried clicking on the standard and the video setting but with no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.
My first question is this: are you using a self-hosted blog, a WordPress.com blog, or a site like EduBlogs.org? To my knowledge, the [ted id] type links only work on WordPress.com hosted sites (although there might be a plugin that enables it for self-hosted blogs). I had horrible luck with EduBlogs.org, as their WordPress installation is insanely outdated and doesn’t allow embedding unless you pay for the premium membership.
So, my WordPress is self-hosted, and when I want to embed a TED video, I just copy the embed code next to “Embed this video,” and paste it into my post, whilst in HTML view. Embedding YouTube videos is even simpler–you just copy the YouTube link and paste it into the post, and it will automatically embed as appropriate, although you can still do it the manual embed way like the TED videos if you want more control over the embed.
Hope that helps!